Party Monster Entertainer Visits The National Marine Aquarium In Plymouth


During September 2020 the Party Monster Entertainer Team were very lucky to visit ‘The National Marine Aquarium’ which is located in Plymouth and we thought it would be amazing to drop this little blog to explain about the amazing work that the team are doing and of course what we felt about the whole experience during this current COVID regulation world, I mean masks and aquarium is never a good mix normally due to the heat but luckily it was not that bad!


Parking & Location

Arriving at the location via google maps we found a parking lot 5 minute walk from the aquarium which cost about £5 for the 4 hours and made access for parents very easy due to the ramps and elevators. finding the actual aquarium is however very strange and almost feels like a rollercoaster waiting line as you have to go from what looks like the front entrance to the rear and this can be easily missed if you don’t keep an eye out! overall very clean entrance though!


Entering The Aquarium 

Before our visit we had purchased our tickets before as most companies are now doing this being a better health method to stop the spread of the virus during money transactions and of course making track and trace better and believe it or not this was surprisingly easy enough and we did not have to wait long in the line aswell which was a bonus!

We were greeted with an extremely polite receptionist and this started the visit off to a great start! Can I just say the team were all amazing and they all deserve recognition and prise!

Our first encounter was with the ‘Star Fish guard’ as i called them as they knew so much about the different types and of course they knew the names of the starfish as well which was incredible! And incase you are wondering Party Monster Matty did test him from the wall facts!


party monsters reviewthe national marine aquarium review


Once your actually in the venue it lasts roughly about 1 hour depending on how fast you walk however a key thing that we noticed was there was alot of stations available to sanatise your hands and also stay a safe distance from any other families which didn’t make you feel claustrophobic at all! there is a wide variety of underwater creatures and fish including great white sharks, jellyfish and stingrays. The amazing thing about this particular place is it is home to the largest aquarium in the UK and is also charity run!

Largest aquarium in the uk


There is lots of amazing little facts placed all over the venue too which is all based for kids (or adults who likes strange facts like me to later tell your relatives and them not listen) and this venue doesn’t try selling you any overpriced products during your visit of the aquarium which as a parent can add up very quickly too!

The Cafe, Toilets & Shop

Overall the cafe was very clean with bins scattered over the venue which made it easy to find and throw your litter away and likewise the toilets were very clean with everything topped up and smelling like bleach. During your exit of the aquarium you are greeted with a little gift shop which is full of little Thoughtful gifts that are kept and never used again which want gift shop wouldn’t be one without this LOL!  Gifts range from high to low prices from a low priced item being a magnet and high end being a soft toy.



Overall we would recommend this amazing little venue for a little adventure to take your little ones if you are over in the Dorset/Cornwall area! We look forward to returning in the future!


The National Marine Aquarium,

Rope Walk Coxside,



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